If you’re looking for age appropriate chores for toddlers then you have come to the right place!
If there is anything I can’t stand, it’s lazy entitled children who do nothing themselves and expect everyone to do everything for them.
Since you’re here reading this I’m going to assume you don’t like them either.
They grow up to be unsuccessful adults that are a nuisance to society and the world seems to be full of them.
I absolutely refuse to let this happen to my children and that starts by giving them responsibilities at a young age.
If you want your child to grow up to be a responsible, driven, successful adult that contributes to the world around them then you need to raise them that way.
That starts with having expectations for your toddler and giving them responsibilities. Read these age appropriate chores for toddlers below and get your child on the right path now.
39 Age Appropriate Chores For Toddlers
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Know Your Child’s Abilities And Limits
When I say age appropriate chores for toddlers, by toddler I mean a child from the ages one to three.
Obviously a three year old is capable of much more than a one year old.
As well as some 2 year olds are capable of completing some tasks that other 2 year olds are not because all children develop differently and at their own pace.
When it comes to giving your toddler daily chores start out small. You as their parent should know, or be able to pick up on quickly, what your toddler is capable and not capable of doing.
However don’t just expect your child isn’t capable of certain chores. Start out small, experiment, and go back to chores your child has a hard time completing as they get older.
Be Patient And Don’t Expect Perfection
How many times can you remember doing something for the first time and doing it perfectly?
Remember that toddlers are doing many of the things you ask them to do for the first time.
Toddlers are learning and growing. Getting toddlers to do chores is more about the benefits of the process, building a work ethic.
The chores being done well will come with time.
A lot of parents don’t have the patience for how long it takes their toddler to complete tasks on their own, so they do the task for them.
This will only hurt your child. It may be hard but have patience when it comes to your toddler doing chores. The long term benefits are more than worth it.
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Be Consistent And Enforce Daily Chores For Toddlers
To get the full benefit doing chores adds to your toddlers character you need to be consistent and enforce chores daily.
Toddlers are smart little creatures. If you make them do a chore, but sometimes let them get away with not doing it, they are more likely to fight you on the matter because they know there is a possibility of not having to do the work.
Pick a few of these age appropriate chores for toddlers below and enforce them daily.
Age Appropriate Chores For Toddlers
To make things a little easier I’ve separated these toddler chores into categories. These may not be applicable to everyone so pick which age appropriate chores for toddlers work best for your family.
Brush teeth.
Rinse toothbrush.
Brush Hair.
Put brush away.
Wash hands.
Take pull-up off and put it in the garbage.
Turn bath water on/off.
Get a towel before bath.
Drain bath water.
Rinse bath toys and put them away.
Help pick out clothes and put them on.
Put on shoes and put them away.
Make the bed.
Put toys away it toy bins.
Put dirty clothes in the hamper.
Living Room
Put pillows back on the couch.
Put remotes back on coffee table.
Dust coffee table and end stands.
Related Reading: What To Do With Your Toddler All Day Long
Help put groceries away.
Help load/unload dishwasher.
Gather ingredients for dinner.
Stir and pour ingredients for dinner.
Set the table.
Wipe down the table.
Scrap leftovers into garbage and rinse plate.
Pick up any food dropped on the floor after meals and throw it in the garbage.
Flush the toilet.
Replace the toilet paper roll.
Empty the trash bin.
Laundry Room
Load washer and turn it on. (I use Tide Pods and I worry about Alexa being curious and putting them in her mouth so I don’t let her touch them)
Load the dryer, add dryer sheet and turn it on.
Empty lint tray into the garbage.
Sort, fold, and put clothes away.
Turn lights on and off.
Sweep and mop the floor.
Clean the windows.
Feed and water pets.
Let pets in and out of the house.
Help clean the car
Toys For Toddlers To “Help” Do Chores
Dust! Sweep! Mop! Set
I got Alexa this pretend play dust, sweep, and mop set when she was one. She still plays with it now at 2 1/2 and it’s just the cutest things when she sees me sweeping and she uses her broom to start sweep with me.
Spray, Squirt, and Squeegee
Alexa got this spray, squirt, and squeegee set for christmas and she is still obsessed with the spray bottle. She asked to clean the windows almost everyday
Do you have anything to add? Share your ideas for age appropriate chores for toddlers in the comments below!
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